You can build a street-rod or custom car wiring system with spools of colored wire, sure; but are you going to make a schematic and ensure that it stays with the car for the next 20 years? Will you be able to remember what you did 5-years from now?
Labeled wire sets not only make wiring easier and more professional, they also self-document so at the end of the day every wire announces its function and 10-years down the road when someone pokes their nose under the dash they'll also know exactly what every wire is doing. That's pretty hard to beat. Between gauge and color, a labeled wire set provides just what you need from about 30 different color and gauge combinations. That's a wee bit better than buying 30 different spools of wire!
NEW: With the click of a button, you can save yourself many hours finding the right switches, matching connectors, and most of all, wiring those large under-dash connectors. With the "PCS", Pre-wired Connectors and Switches option, Racers will provide pre-wired connectors for Headlight, Dimmer, Ignition, and Turn-Signal and new switches for Headlight, Dimmer, and in some cases, a new ignition switch with keys to fit the pre-wired ignition connector.
Considering what the included switches and connectors would cost and the time it takes to research each connector to ensure the right wire goes into the right place, we think it's a great value. Four pre-wired connectors and two switches (Key in column rigs) runs $135 while Four pre-wired connectors and three switches (Key in dash rigs) runs $150.
To order, choose your preferred labeled wire set and then click the "PCS" option box as you answer questions about your vehicle's electrical equipment.