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In-Tank Corvair Fuel Pump kit EM 61-64
In-Tank Corvair Fuel Pump kit EM 61-64
Our Price: $210.00


61-64 model:

This kit is unique for two reasons: 1) The pump is mounted INSIDE the fuel tank and 2) It includes a new gas-gauge sending unit. Like our other kits, this is a complete kit including all the required pre-cut pressure-rated hoses, clamps, screws, and even a couple of common but special tools. All kits include a pre-terminated wiring and inertia switch package.

Note: Fits all 61-64 models including A/C and Gas Heater equipped vehicles.
Also note: This pump is not silent. In a garage you will hear the pump. On the road you may hear the pump running.

No major modifications other than a small hole needed and no wires to the back of the car or added engine switches, relays, or changes in oil system plumbing! $200 and nothing else to source or design.

Like our other kits, this kit includes a "Plug-n-Play", OE quality harness, inertia/impact safety switch, and complete Illustrated instructions.

At the end of an afternoon, you'll have a very professional installed appearance including plug-n-play wiring.

There are only two options:
1) Fuel pump bypass plate preserves 100% stock appearance. This option adds $45. The bypass plate is optional because another approach revises engine fuel lines using locally-obtained common parts. Instructions for both methods are included.

2) Low oil-pressure cutoff and automatic prime module. These functions aren't strictly necessary but some builders and customers appreciate their benefits. The RACERS LOP electronics package adds these features without any need to run wires to the engine, add additional sensors, or revise engine oil plumbing. RACERS LOP electronics package uses the existing factory oil pressure sensor and wiring. RACERS LOP electronics package adds $30